Best Practice with Teaching Assistants Award

Maximise the impact of teaching assistants across your school

Evaluate and recognise the valuable and increasingly complex role of teaching assistants in pupil achievement.


Introducing the Best Practice with Teaching Assistants Award

This award provides a framework for the strategic management of teaching assistants. You will develop clear systems of induction, appraisal, and professional development. This will better support your teaching assistants and boost their impact on positive pupil outcomes.

What’s in the Best Practice with Teaching Assistants Award framework?

Professional development
Develop and facilitate CPD opportunities for teaching assistants, linked to a robust appraisal system and the priorities of the school.
Recognise expertise
Work with teaching assistants' particular skills, talents and expertise to develop the learning and progress of pupils.
Promote collaborative approaches, including planning and feedback, that prepare teaching assistants to support pupil progress.
Ensure management systems effectively promote children's progress through the work of teaching assistants.
Classroom practice
Promote teaching and learning through effective classroom practice and interventions.
Create clear induction policies, job descriptions and line management for teaching assistants.

Our range of awards

Wellbeing Award for Schools
Promote emotional wellbeing and mental health across your school
Learn more
Excellence in Pupil Development Award
Develop pupil skills that last a lifetime
Learn more
Leading Parent Partnership Award
Develop positive relationships with parents
Learn more
SEND Inclusion Award
Improve outcomes for pupils with SEND
Learn more
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