School-led *
Full access to award framework
School action plan tool
Technical support provided
Online evidence collation tool
One visit from an expert adviser
Verification visit by expert verifier
Adviser-led *
Full access to award framework
Action plan completed by adviser
Direct support from adviser
Technical support provided
Online evidence collation tool
Initial visit conducted by adviser
Interim visit conducted by adviser
Full report following interim visit
Verification visit by expert verifier
If you do not see the answer to your question below you can contact us at or give us a call on +44 (0) 1823 792829
Why do schools undertake your awards?
Schools often undertake an award in order to focus on an identified area for improvement and to bring about positive change across the whole school. Our awards are also seen as external validation of excellent provision.
How do I measure the impact an award is having on my school?
Most of our awards have Stakeholder Evaluation Forms – questionnaires which can be sent out to key stakeholders to capture feedback on your provision. Results can be compared over time to show what impact has been made.
How long does it take to complete the process?
Each school takes a different journey but most schools take between 12-15 months to fulfil the award framework and achieve verification.
How long is an award valid for?
A school is accredited for three years from the date of verification.
Who are your advisers?
All our advisers have years of experience within the education sector, often within a leadership, management or inspection role, and are carefully selected for their expertise in particular areas of school improvement.
How can I find out which other schools are doing an award?
Due to GDPR, it is not possible to share names of individual schools completing our awards. However we have a range of case studies and testimonials which you may find useful.
Who is Optimus Education?
Optimus Education offers awards, events, consultancy and training to help support whole-school improvement.