Impact report
Wellbeing Award for Schools
It was an incredibly positive experience for our school. We thoroughly enjoyed completing the award and are looking forward to going from strength to strength ...

'We've talked about wellbeing more and there's a lot more awareness. We've allowed children to know it's OK not to have a healthy mind all the time ...'

School NA

Pupils 0

Headteacher NA

Accreditation Wellbeing Award for Schools
11 Oct 2019

Wellbeing Award for Schools: Impact, Best Practice and What Works

With more than 1,000* schools now enrolled on the award, we thought it was time to evaluate the impact it is having on schools.

So we asked our accredited schools. The response was overwhelmingly positive.

  • 93% agreed the award had a large or medium impact on pupil wellbeing
  • 93% agreed it had a large or medium impact on parent wellbeing
  • 93% agreed it had a large or medium impact on staff wellbeing

What about other areas such as pupil behaviour, staff wellbeing and staff morale?

  • 95% agreed the award had improved pupils' behaviour
  • 93% agreed it had improved staff wellbeing

Best practice and what works

Our accredited schools are so enthusiastic about the award that they want share their ideas and experience. You'll find this report is packed full of ideas for you to try in your school, with lots of examples of strategies and methods that are producing great outcomes for pupils, parents and staff.


*Accurate as of October 2019.

Download full Impact Report

Case Studies

Read about our successful schools and the impact of our awards

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The Wellbeing Award has been an invaluable, independent validation of our approach to the development of a health and wellbeing strategy that underpins all we do
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We were supported the whole way through the process and had someone available from whom to seek advice when needed
I feel that going through the award has slowly changed the attitude of many of the Teaching Assistants