Case study
Wellbeing Award for Schools
'For many of our students their past experiences and outlook can impact on their attitudes and expectations. By addressing wellbeing, we enable our students to overcome difficulties and achieve'

'The PSHE schemes of work were already in the process of being rewritten but the Wellbeing Award helped identify further strengths and areas for development'

School Haverhill, Suffolk

Pupils 69

Headteacher Georgina Ellis

Accreditation Wellbeing Award for Schools
04 Apr 2019

Churchill Special Free School is a day special school for children aged 8-18 with Speech, Language and Communication difficulties including those with Autism or who are on the Autistic Spectrum. All pupils have significant barriers to their learning and many have previously had very negative experiences at school.


It was useful to reflect on the whole culture of the school in relation to wellbeing. The external assessor was really useful in helping to highlight more strengths than we had recognised.


Most of the objectives were easy to evidence although some required more thought. The assessor led process reduced some of the workload for the school and the assessor was extremely helpful in helping us to identify all of the strengths, the things we usually take for granted.


If your pupil and staff wellbeing is a high priority I would strongly recommend undertaking the accreditation. Incorporate it into your School Development Plan so that it has a high priority and is embedded in the work you do. Make sure you allocate a senior member of staff to lead the process who has time to allocate to it.

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Case Studies

Read about our successful schools and the impact of our awards

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Our stakeholders regularly comment on the school's effort and focus on wellbeing and this is reflected in both staff and student retention rates
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The PSHE schemes of work were already in the process of being rewritten but the Wellbeing Award helped identify further strengths and areas for development
As staff we have felt that one of our strengths has been the quality of our relationships with parents and the support that we offer has been a strength of our school