Case study
Wellbeing Award for Schools
'there is no doubt that students have benefited and their performance has improved as a result'

'Our stakeholders regularly comment on the school's effort and focus on wellbeing and this is reflected in both staff and student retention rates'

School Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Pupils 4200

Headteacher Mr Matthew Burfield

Accreditation Wellbeing Award for Schools
10 Sep 2019

The award helped us to be more strategic and look for even more opportunities to develop and expand our wellbeing provision.

The school introduced a new Emotional Health and Wellbeing Policy' that linked with several of our other policies such as our Child Protection and Safeguarding policies. Staff wellbeing is a standing agenda item in leadership meetings.

The award's KPI's and action plan definitely helped to make more links with wellbeing and student outcomes. Several other wellbeing initiatives and interventions grew as a result and there is no doubt that students have benefited and their performance has improved as a result.

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Our stakeholders regularly comment on the school's effort and focus on wellbeing and this is reflected in both staff and student retention rates